Thinking of using GitHub Pages? Read this first to get a free branded link for 1 year!

Get a free branded link for GitHub Pages

What is GitHub Pages?

GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service designed to host your personal, organization, or project pages directly from a GitHub repository. This platform is ideal for showcasing portfolios, hosting project documentation, or even running a blog directly from your GitHub content.

If you want to upgrade your GitHub Pages site to a strong branding asset, get a free branded link for it from Linklab. Linklab offers free branded links like with 2 free branded email IDs for a whole year! Claim your free branded link + email IDs now! 

What is GitHub Pages Used For?

GitHub Pages is primarily used to create and host static websites for individuals, projects, or organizations. Developers commonly use it to display their projects, allow easy access to software documentation, or maintain a personal blog linked to their coding activities. It's an excellent way for developers to enhance their online presence without needing a separate hosting service.

To make your online presence even stronger, get a free branded link for your GitHub Page site from Linklab. Linklab offers a free branded link like and 2 free branded email IDs for a whole year. No technical skills or credit card required! Claim your free branded link + email IDs from Linklab now! 

Who is GitHub Pages For?

This service is for anyone looking to host a static website without incurring hosting costs. It's particularly useful for developers, coders, and technical writers who want to showcase their projects or write about technical topics. GitHub Pages supports Jekyll, a popular static site generator, allowing users to manage site content through markdown files, which makes it a preferred choice among developers.

As a developer, you know the importance of a clean and professional online presence. Linklab helps you create one by offering a free branded link that auto-forwards to your generic GitHub Pages site link. No technical ills or credit card required. Just visit and get a free branded link and 2 free branded email IDs for a whole year! claim your link now! 

How Does GitHub Pages Work?

GitHub Pages works by serving content from a GitHub repository. Specifically, it serves static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files directly from a designated branch within the repository. If you're using Jekyll, GitHub Pages will automatically build and deploy your Jekyll site when you push changes to your repository. The integration with GitHub provides version control and collaborative features right out of the box.

Another great way to make the most of your GitHub Pages site is to get a free branded link for it from Linklab! Linklab offers a free branded link like and 2 free branded email IDs to elevate your online presence. Claim your free branded link now! 

How to Create a GitHub Pages Link?

To create a GitHub Pages site:

  1. Create a new repository or use an existing one in GitHub.
  2. Enable GitHub Pages by navigating to the repository's settings, going to the "Pages" section, and selecting a source branch.
  3. Push your content to this branch. If you are using Jekyll, push your Jekyll site structure.
  4. Access your site at If you’re using a custom domain, configure it through the repository settings.

As step no. 5, go to and get a free branded link and 2 free branded email IDs for your GitHub Pages site. No technical skills or credit card required. Get your free branded link + 2 free branded email IDs for a whole year today! 

What are Some Alternatives for GitHub Pages?

While GitHub Pages offers a solid foundation for hosting static websites, several compelling alternatives cater to different needs. Here's a breakdown of some popular options to help you decide:

GitHub Pages vs. Netlify: Netlify goes beyond basic hosting, providing advanced features like automated builds, deployments, built-in HTTPS, and a powerful command-line interface for increased control.

GitHub Pages vs. Vercel: If you're building modern web applications with frameworks like Next.js or React, Vercel is a dream come true. It offers seamless integration and deployment specifically designed for these technologies.

GitHub Pages vs. GitLab Pages: If you're already invested in the GitLab ecosystem, GitLab Pages provides a familiar experience for hosting static sites. It offers functionality similar to GitHub Pages with the added benefit of integrated CI/CD options for streamlined development workflows.

GitHub Pages vs. Firebase Hosting: Firebase Hosting expands beyond static content. It allows hosting dynamic content and microservices alongside your static site, and integrates seamlessly with other Firebase services for a comprehensive backend solution.

GitHub Pages vs. Surge: For a fuss-free approach, Surge offers a single-command deployment tool ideal for quickly publishing static websites. It's a great option for straightforward projects that prioritize simplicity.

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