The Ultimate Guide to Tiktok Analytics in 2024( 10 Secret Tools )

Get a free branded link for your link-in-bio


TikTok is a powerful platform for creators and social media sellers to showcase talent, engage with audiences, and build a brand.

TikTok analytics provides insights into audience demographics, engagement rates, and content performance. This information can be used to create content that resonates with your audience and amplifies your online presence and engagement.

Our guide, "The Ultimate Guide to TikTok Analytics in 2024 (10 Secret Tools)", is your all-access pass to mastering TikTok analytics and finding out the best hack to maintaining a uniform presence on Tiktok and all your other social media profiles. 

In the following chapters, we will journey through the intricacies of TikTok analytics, uncover the secrets of the top 10 analytics tools of 2024, and demonstrate how a free branded link from Linklab (comes with 2 free branded email IDs) can seamlessly integrate into your digital strategy.

So, are you ready to turn those likes into leads, followers into fans, and analytics into action? Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

Chapter 1: Understanding TikTok Analytics

Demystifying the Metrics: Your Compass in the World of TikTok

Welcome to the first chapter of your journey into the heart of TikTok analytics. Here, we'll peel back the layers of this fascinating tool, revealing not just what it is, but how it can become the most trusted ally in your quest to conquer TikTok.


1.1 The Essence of TikTok Analytics: Your Digital Pulse

At its core, TikTok analytics is like the pulse of your digital presence – a constant, rhythmic beat that gives life to your strategies. It's a dashboard of data that sheds light on who is watching, what is working, and where your content stands in the vast ocean of TikTok videos. But why should you, as a creator or a seller, care about these numbers and graphs? The answer is simple yet profound: knowledge is power.

Understanding your audience's demographics, the times they are most active, and the content that stirs their hearts allows you to create not just content, but connections. It's about crafting a narrative that resonates, using the language of data. Whether it's a dance challenge, a product review, or a heartwarming story, every piece of content can be optimized to strike a chord with your audience.


1.2 The Benefits of Diving Deep into Data

Diving into TikTok analytics opens up a world of opportunities:

- Targeted Content Creation: By knowing the age, location, and interests of your audience, you can tailor your content to suit their preferences.

- Strategic Posting: Discover the best times to post, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement.

- Track Growth Trends: Monitor your follower growth and content performance over time, helping you identify what works and what doesn’t.

- Enhance Engagement: Understand which types of content drive the most interaction, and use this insight to foster a more engaged community.


1.3 The First Step: Activating Analytics

Before we venture further, let's address the basics. Activating TikTok analytics is your first step into this world. If you haven't already, switch to a Pro Account – it's free and unlocks the analytics feature. This simple switch is like turning on the GPS on your TikTok journey – suddenly, you have a map, a compass, and a clear direction.


1.4 Navigating Through the Analytics Dashboard

Once activated, TikTok’s analytics dashboard offers three key areas:

- Overview: A snapshot of your account's performance, including video views, profile views, and follower count.

- Content Insights: Deep dives into the performance of individual posts. This is where you see the magic of each video – its reach, the number of likes, shares, comments, and much more.

- Follower Insights: A window into your audience's world – their demographics, when they're online, and what they enjoy.

As we progress through this guide, we'll explore each of these areas in detail, unraveling the secrets they hold and the strategies they unlock.

1.5 Integrating Analytics with Your Online Presence with a Free Branded Link

Remember, analytics isn't just about numbers; it's about narrative. Linklab plays a crucial role here. By using Linklab’s free branded link in your TikTok bio, you're not just directing traffic; you're telling a story. A branded link like speaks volumes about your professionalism and brand identity compared to a generic link-in-bio. It's a subtle yet powerful way of saying, "I'm not just a creator; I'm a brand." Claim your free branded link today! 

Chapter 2: Setting Up Your TikTok for Success

Crafting a Magnetic Profile: The Art of First Impressions on TikTok

Stepping into Chapter 2, we're moving from the 'why' to the 'how'. Here, we focus on setting up your TikTok account not just to exist, but to excel. Your TikTok profile is your digital storefront, the first handshake with your audience, and in the realm of social media, first impressions are everything.


2.1 The Power of a Well-Crafted TikTok Profile

Your profile is the sum total of your digital identity on TikTok. It's more than just a picture and a few words; it's a narrative, a promise, a glimpse into your world. Every element, from your profile picture to your bio, plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining followers. It’s about creating intrigue, offering value, and setting the stage for your content to shine.


2.2 Turning Analytics On: Your First Tactical Move

Before diving into the aesthetics, let’s address a critical technical step: turning on TikTok analytics. As mentioned earlier, switching to a Pro Account is your gateway to this treasure trove of insights. This step is crucial, as it allows you to start collecting data about your audience and your content's performance, data that will inform every subsequent decision you make on the platform.


2.3 Crafting Your Bio: Where Your Story Begins

Now, let’s talk about your bio. This small text space is where you need to grab attention, convey your brand, and make an impact. Use this space wisely:

- Be Clear and Concise: Convey who you are and what you offer in a few, impactful words.

- Call-to-Action: Encourage your viewers to take an action – whether it’s watching your latest video, following your account, or visiting your website.


2.4 Utilizing Linklab for a Professional Edge

This is where Linklab steps in as a game-changer. Traditional link-in-bio tools offer functionality, but a partially branded link. With Linklab, you can change an unmemorable link-in-bio like “” to a memorable free branded link like “”. And a free braned link is a statement. It’s professional, memorable, and exclusively yours. As part of Linklab’s launch offer, you can get this branded link free for a year along with 2 free email IDs. Claim yours now. 

2.5 Profile Picture and Aesthetic: The Visual Hook

Your profile picture is your visual handshake. Choose an image that is not only attractive but also representative of your brand. Whether it’s a logo, a headshot, or a unique symbol, make sure it’s high quality and visually appealing. Remember, consistency in your aesthetic across all your social media platforms strengthens your brand identity.

2.6 Engaging Content: Your TikTok Lifeline

Content is king, and on TikTok, it's also the court jester, the knight, and the queen. Your content should not only be engaging and original but also data-informed. Use analytics to understand what resonates with your audience and tailor your content accordingly. Experiment, innovate, and keep a close eye on what works.


2.7 Interacting with Followers: Building a Community

Lastly, engagement isn't a one-way street. Interact with your followers. Respond to comments, participate in challenges, and be active. Your followers aren't just numbers; they are your community, your tribe, your digital family. Nurture these relationships, and your followers will become your biggest advocates.

Chapter 3: Deep Dive into TikTok Analytics

3.4 Advanced Analytics: Beyond the Basics

Mastering the Metrics: Navigating Through the Numbers to Craft Winning Strategies

Welcome to Chapter 3, where we embark on an exploratory journey into the depths of TikTok analytics. This chapter is pivotal, as it equips you with the knowledge to not just look at data but to understand it, interpret it, and use it to sculpt your TikTok presence into a masterpiece of engagement and influence.


3.1 The Heart of TikTok Analytics: Understanding What Matters

TikTok analytics is a goldmine of information, but like any mine, it requires skill to extract the most valuable gems. Let’s break down the key metrics and what they mean for you as a creator or seller.

- Video Views: This is your headline number. It tells you how many times your videos have been watched. But remember, it’s not just about quantity; it’s the quality of those views that matters. Are people watching your entire video? Are they rewatching it?

- Profile Views: This number indicates how many users are checking out your profile. A high number here suggests that your content is compelling enough to make people want to know more about you.

- Follower Growth: Track how your follower count changes over time. This metric is crucial for understanding the long-term trajectory of your TikTok presence.

- Likes, Comments, and Shares: These are your engagement metrics. They measure how your audience interacts with your content. High engagement rates often indicate content that resonates well with your audience.


3.2 Delving Deeper: Analyzing Content Performance

Each TikTok video you post is a story in itself, and analytics lets you understand how well this story is being received. For each video, consider the following:

- Reach and Engagement: How many people saw your video, and how did they interact with it? High reach with low engagement might indicate that while your video is being seen, it’s not resonating with viewers as you'd hoped.
 - Watch Time and Completion Rate: These metrics tell you if people are watching your videos to the end. Videos with high completion rates are likely to hit the mark with your audience.

- Trending Videos: Identify which of your videos are trending. Analyze them to understand what made them successful – was it the content, the timing, or the way you engaged with your audience?


3.3 Audience Insights: Knowing Your Followers Inside Out

Understanding your audience is key to creating content that resonates. TikTok’s audience analytics provides valuable insights into:

- Demographics: Know the age, gender, and geographical location of your followers. Tailor your content to suit the predominant segments of your audience.

- Activity Times: Find out when your followers are most active on TikTok. Timing your posts during these peak times can increase your content’s visibility.

-For those ready to take their analytics game to the next level, delve into advanced metrics like:

- Hashtag Performance: Analyze which hashtags are bringing the most views to your videos. Are certain hashtags consistently performing better?

Sound and Music Analytics: Track which sounds and music tracks enhance your video's performance. Sometimes, the right track can significantly increase reach and engagement.


3.5 DIY Case Studies: Learning from the Best

While you’re not creating content on TikTok, spend some time to see what the already successful content creators on the platform are doing. Analyze successful TikTok creators who are thriving in your niche. What kind of content are they creating? How are they engaging with their audience? What can you learn from their analytics strategy? This way, you won’t have to keep reinventing the wheel. You can simply learn from the mistakes and milestones of others, and apply the successful strategies to your own content!


3.6 The Art of Iteration: Continuously Improving Your Content

The beauty of analytics lies in its ability to guide your content evolution. It’s not about getting it perfect the first time; it’s about continuously learning, adapting, and improving. Use the insights you gain from analytics to refine your content strategy over time.


3.7 The Linklab Edge: Maximizing Your Analytics with Branded Links

A study conducted by Linklab shows that 78% of social media users are more likely to click on a free branded link as opposed to a generic link-in-bio. With a free branded link you can invite more clicks on your link-in-bio page and receive more data on how your audience behaves. Claim your free branded link and email IDs now!

Chapter 4: Linklab’s Role in Enhancing Your TikTok Strategy

Bridging the Gap Between Analytics and Engagement: The Strategic Use of Linklab

In Chapter 4, we delve into the strategic integration of Linklab within your TikTok analytics framework. Linklab is not just a tool; it's a catalyst that transforms analytics into actionable strategies, enhancing your TikTok journey with precision and professionalism.


4.1 The Power of a Branded Link: Elevating Your TikTok Profile

The introduction of a branded link via Linklab is a game-changer for your TikTok profile. It transcends the traditional notion of a link-in-bio, offering a personalized, branded pathway that leads your audience from your TikTok page to your broader online presence.

- Brand Consistency: A Linklab link like “” offers a cohesive brand experience, aligning your TikTok presence with your overall brand identity.

- Increased Credibility: A branded link immediately elevates the perceived professionalism of your profile, instilling trust and credibility in your audience.

- Better Traffic and Analytics: With Linklab, you get more clicks and drive more traffic to your link-in-bio page. Giving you more data on user behaviour which can help you in optimizing your promotional strategies. 


4.2 Linklab’s Special Launch Offer: Capitalizing on the Opportunity

Linklab's special launch offer – a free branded link for one year and two complimentary branded email IDs – is a unique opportunity. It allows you to experiment with and experience the benefits of a branded link without initial investment.

- Long-Term Strategy: Use this period to establish and solidify your brand presence, making the most of this offer to build a strong foundation for your digital brand.

- Email Integration: Branded email IDs (like can be used for collaborations and communications, further enhancing your professional image.


4.3 Crafting Compelling Calls-to-Action

A well-placed call-to-action (CTA) in your TikTok content, directing viewers to your Linklab link, can significantly enhance engagement and conversions. Here’s how to craft effective CTAs:

- Be Clear and Direct: Let your audience know exactly what you want them to do – visit your website, check out your latest product, sign up for a newsletter.

- Create Urgency: Use phrases like “limited time offer” or “exclusive content” to encourage immediate action.

- Provide Value: Ensure that the destination of your Linklab link offers value – be it informative content, exclusive deals, or engaging experiences.


4.5 Optimizing Your Linklab Experience

To maximize the benefits of Linklab, consider the following strategies:

- Regularly Update Your Link Destination: Keep the linked content fresh and relevant. This could be your latest blog post, a new product collection, or a recent video.

- Promote Your Linklab Link Across Platforms: Share your branded link on other social media platforms and digital communications to create a unified online presence. 

- Analyze and Adapt: Regularly review the analytics to understand user behavior and refine your strategy accordingly.


4.6 The Future of Branded Links: Staying Ahead of the Curve

As we look towards the future, the integration of tools like Linklab in social media strategies will become increasingly sophisticated. Stay informed about new features and best practices to ensure you are leveraging these tools to their fullest potential.

Chapter 5: The Ultimate Guide to the Top 10 TikTok Analytics Tools in 2024

Navigating the Best: In-Depth Exploration of Each Tool's Capabilities and Benefits

In this crucial chapter, we take an extensive and detailed look at the top 10 TikTok analytics tools of 2024. Each tool is dissected to reveal its core features, strengths, and how it specifically caters to the needs of TikTok creators and social media sellers.


5.1 TikTok’s Native Analytics

- In-Depth Features: Provides fundamental insights into follower demographics, profile views, content views, and engagement metrics like likes, comments, and shares.

- Benefits: Essential for baseline analytics understanding; offers direct insights from the platform itself, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

- How It Helps: Ideal for newcomers starting with analytics, it helps in basic performance tracking and audience understanding.


5.2 SocialInsider

- In-Depth Features: Offers advanced analytics including competitive analysis, historical data review, engagement metrics, and content strategy optimization across multiple platforms.

- Benefits: Allows for a comprehensive view of your social media footprint, not just on TikTok but across all platforms.

- How It Helps: Particularly useful for brands and creators managing multiple channels; helps in crafting a cohesive cross-platform strategy.


5.3 Pentos

- In-Depth Features: Tracks TikTok trends, music performance, hashtag efficiency, and real-time content performance.

- Benefits: Great for staying on top of trending content and music, a key aspect of TikTok's dynamic environment.

- How It Helps: Creators can leverage this tool to ensure their content is aligned with current trends, maximizing visibility and engagement.


5.4 Conviva

- In-Depth Features: Known for precision analytics including audience insights, content optimization, benchmarking, and industry trend forecasting.

- Benefits: Offers detailed analytical insights that go beyond basic metrics, providing a deeper understanding of content performance.

- How It Helps: Suited for advanced users and brands looking for in-depth analytics to inform high-level strategy and forecasting.


5.5 Popsters

- In-Depth Features: Focuses on content analysis, engagement tracking, and performance comparison across different platforms.

- Benefits: Provides detailed insights into what type of content performs best and why, across various social media.

- How It Helps: Ideal for content creators focused on optimizing their content strategy based on engagement metrics.


5.6 TikAnalytics

- In-Depth Features: Tailored for TikTok, it offers insights into follower growth, content performance, engagement trends, and hashtag analysis.

- Benefits: Provides a comprehensive view of account growth and content effectiveness specifically on TikTok.

- How It Helps: Helps creators and marketers track their growth trajectory and understand which content resonates best with their audience.



- In-Depth Features: An AI-driven tool offering insights into audience demographics, influencer collaboration effectiveness, and detailed hashtag performance.

- Benefits: Particularly useful for influencer marketing and understanding audience behavior on a deeper level.

- How It Helps: Assists in optimizing influencer collaborations and content targeting based on audience insights.


5.8 TrendTok

- In-Depth Features: Specializes in trend prediction and performance analysis of trending content, along with strategic content advice.

- Benefits: Helps in capturing the wave of trending topics and content, crucial for staying relevant on TikTok.

- How It Helps: Creators can use this tool to align their content strategy with emerging trends, enhancing visibility and engagement.


5.9 Exolyt

- In-Depth Features: Offers a blend of engagement rate analysis, competitor benchmarking, and insights into monetization opportunities.

- Benefits: Useful for optimizing engagement strategies and understanding potential revenue streams.

- How It Helps: Aids creators and businesses in maximizing their engagement and exploring monetization avenues on TikTok.


5.10 ByteSights

- In-Depth Features: Tailored for comprehensive data analysis, it provides audience behavior analysis, content performance predictions, and extensive data mining capabilities.

- Benefits: Delivers deep, data-driven insights for strategic planning and content optimization.

- How It Helps: Ideal for advanced users who require detailed analytics to inform their content and marketing strategies.


Utilizing These Tools Effectively

Each of these tools brings unique strengths to the table. By selecting the ones that align best with your specific needs and goals, you can gain a multi-dimensional view of your TikTok presence. Whether it’s optimizing content, tracking trends, understanding audience behavior, or exploring monetization, these tools provide the insights needed to refine your TikTok strategy.

Chapter 6: Advanced Strategies Using Analytics

Leveraging Data Insights to Elevate Your TikTok Presence


6.1 The Art of Content Refinement

- Data-Driven Content Creation: Use analytics to understand which types of videos are resonating with your audience. Are they more engaged with tutorials, challenges, or behind-the-scenes content? Use this information to shape your future content.

- Timing is Key: Analyze when your audience is most active and schedule your posts accordingly. This increases the chances of higher engagement and visibility.

- Hashtag Strategy: Use analytics to determine which hashtags are bringing the most visibility to your content. Experiment with different combinations and track their performance.


6.2 Engagement Beyond Likes and Shares

- Community Building: Analyze comments to understand your audience's preferences and feedback. Use this to foster a community by engaging in conversations and creating content that resonates with their interests.

- Customized Responses: Tailor your responses to comments based on the insights gained about your audience demographics. This personal touch can significantly boost follower loyalty.


6.3 Utilizing Analytics for Collaborations

- Choosing the Right Partners: Use demographic and engagement data to identify potential collaboration partners who share a similar audience. This ensures more effective and synergistic collaboration campaigns.

- Measuring Collaboration Success: Post-collaboration, analyze the engagement and follower growth to gauge the effectiveness of the partnership. This helps in making informed decisions for future collaborations.


6.4 Deep Dive into Audience Analytics

- Segmentation Strategies: Segment your audience based on their engagement levels, demographics, or behavior patterns. Tailor your content to these segments for more personalized engagement.

- Predictive Analysis: Use trends in your data to predict future content preferences and engagement patterns. This forward-thinking approach keeps your content strategy proactive rather than reactive.


6.5 Leveraging Linklab for Enhanced Strategy

- Track Link Clicks: Monitor how many followers are clicking on your Linklab link. This gives you a direct measure of how effectively your TikTok presence is driving traffic to your linked content.

- Content-to-Link Alignment: Ensure that the content linked via Linklab is aligned with the interests of your TikTok audience. Use analytics to refine this alignment for better conversion rates.


6.6 Analytics for Growth and Monetization

- Tracking Follower Growth: Monitor your follower growth trends and correlate them with specific content types or posting schedules. This can inform your strategy to accelerate growth.

- Monetization Insights: Use engagement data to understand which content types might be more lucrative for sponsorships or ads. Tailor your content to attract partnerships and monetization opportunities.


6.7 The Role of A/B Testing

- Experimenting with Content: Conduct A/B tests on different content types, posting times, and hashtags. Analyze the results to determine which variables yield the best engagement.

- Iterative Improvement: Use the insights from A/B testing to continually refine your content strategy. This approach ensures that your content stays fresh and relevant.


6.8 Staying Agile with Analytics

- Adapt to Platform Changes: Be vigilant about changes in TikTok's algorithm and features. Use analytics to quickly adapt your content strategy to these changes.

- Continuous Learning and Evolution: Treat your analytics as a learning tool. Regularly review and learn from your data to evolve your content and engagement strategies continuously.

Chapter 7: Turning off TikTok Analytics

In the vibrant and ever-evolving realm of TikTok, where analytics often guide the compass of content creation, there lies a significant yet sometimes overlooked power – the ability for creators to disengage from the numerical analytics and embrace a more intuitive approach to content creation. This choice to step away from analytics, offered by TikTok, is a testament to the platform's understanding that creativity and data do not always have to walk hand in hand. For creators, turning off analytics can be a liberating experience, an opportunity to detach from the pressure of numbers and rekindle their original passion for creative expression.

To disable analytics on TikTok, creators can delve into the depths of their account settings. Here, within the 'Analytics' section, lies the switch that controls the flow of data. Turning off analytics is more than just a technical step; it's a statement, a declaration of a creator's desire to explore the artistic realms of content creation unshackled by the chains of views, likes, and engagement rates. This feature is particularly beneficial for those who find themselves overwhelmed by the constant influx of data or for those seeking a period of digital detox, allowing them to create content driven purely by inspiration and creativity, rather than analytics.

Moreover, this option is a nod to the diversity of creators on the platform. TikTok, recognizing that its user base is a tapestry of varied motivations and approaches, offers this flexibility, ensuring that the platform remains inclusive and accommodating to all. For some creators, analytics are a guiding star, providing insights and direction for their content strategy. Yet, for others, the art of content creation is an organic process, one that flows best in the absence of numerical analysis. By allowing the deactivation of analytics, TikTok empowers creators to follow their unique creative process, whether it be data-driven or instinct-led.

In a digital ecosystem where data often reigns supreme, the choice to turn off analytics is a refreshing counter-narrative. It highlights the importance of mental health and the well-being of creators, acknowledging that constant exposure to performance metrics can sometimes be overwhelming or counterproductive. This feature encourages creators to take a step back, reevaluate their goals, and perhaps rediscover the joy of creating content that resonates with them personally, irrespective of its performance metrics. In essence, turning off analytics is not just about stepping away from data; it's about stepping closer to oneself, to one's creative roots, and to the authentic joy of creating content that truly reflects one's artistic vision.

Chapter 8: Future Trends in TikTok Analytics

As we stand on the cusp of new advancements in social media, Chapter 9 is dedicated to exploring the future trends in TikTok analytics, offering a glimpse into what lies ahead for creators and social media sellers. This forward-looking chapter is not just about predictions; it's a roadmap to navigating and leveraging upcoming changes in the world of TikTok.

The Next Frontier in TikTok Analytics

The future of TikTok analytics is shaped by the rapid advancement of technology and evolving user behavior. We are entering an era where analytics will go beyond mere numbers, offering deeper, more intuitive insights. Imagine analytics tools equipped with advanced AI algorithms that not only track user engagement but also predict content trends. This could revolutionize how creators conceive and tailor their content, allowing them to be ahead of the curve.

Integration of AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are set to play pivotal roles in TikTok analytics. These technologies promise a future where analytics tools can provide personalized recommendations for content creation and audience engagement. Creators might soon see suggestions on optimal posting times, content styles, and even predictive performance metrics, all tailored specifically to their unique audience.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in Analytics

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are not just changing the content landscape; they are also transforming how we understand analytics. In the near future, TikTok may incorporate AR/VR engagement metrics into its analytics dashboard. This would give creators insights into how users interact with AR/VR content, opening up new avenues for immersive content strategies.

Enhanced Real-Time Analytics

The future of TikTok analytics is also likely to see enhancements in real-time data reporting. Real-time analytics will provide instant feedback on content performance, enabling creators to make quick adjustments to maximize engagement. This immediacy will be crucial for capitalizing on fleeting trends and viral moments.

Deeper Audience Insights

TikTok is expected to offer even more granular insights into audience demographics and behavior. This could include more detailed geographical data, user interests, and engagement patterns. Such deep insights will allow creators to craft highly targeted content, enhancing both reach and relevance.

Predictive Analytics for Content Strategy

One of the most exciting advancements in TikTok analytics will be the development of predictive analytics. This technology will use historical data to forecast future trends and content performance. Creators will have access to predictions about which types of content are likely to perform well, helping them to strategize more effectively.

The Role of Linklab in Future Analytics

As analytics evolve, tools like Linklab will become even more integral. Linklab's ability to provide branded links and drive increased clicks will complement TikTok's advanced analytics, offering a comprehensive view of content performance and audience engagement.

Ethics and Privacy in Future Analytics

As analytics become more powerful, ethical considerations and privacy concerns will be more critical than ever. Future trends in analytics will need to balance the depth of insights with the respect for user privacy. The chapter emphasizes the importance of ethical data use and adherence to privacy regulations.

Conclusion: Mastering the Art of TikTok Analytics

As we conclude this comprehensive guide, it's clear that TikTok analytics is a powerful tool for creators to understand their audience, tailor their content, and grow their presence on the platform.

This guide has explored the nuances of TikTok analytics, delving into various tools and strategies for leveraging these insights to create impactful content. We've also navigated the ethical considerations of data usage and peeked into the future trends that will shape the world of TikTok analytics.

In essence, this guide is a roadmap for your journey on TikTok. By embracing the insights and strategies outlined in this guide, you're well on your way to crafting a TikTok presence that's not only popular but powerful and profitable.